Friday, April 29, 2011


i really hate moving time to move again . hopefully it doesn't take all day I'm tiered of packing for the last two weeks wish me luck in Moreno valley. man what is there to do down there besides nothing .MOVING DAYS REALLY SUCK!!!!!!

class discussion on immigration reflection

I really enjoyed talking about this particular topic the class discussion became very heated but i enjoyed hearing other peoples opinions and views on this very serious and controversial topic.I think that there should be a special program that helps illegal immigrants who want to better there life and get a better education. the dream act is a great program in my opinion because it benefits those who want to help. i think that the u.s is just afraid of the competition for illegal aliens. as i pointed out in class there are very few actual non citizens in our state and federal prisons so why the false claims? i think that the u.s is just uniformed or misinformed by today's media. i believe that the media plays a big role in today's fear towards illegal immigration. the media likes to dramatise what is going on with illegal immigrants especially on our southern border. as we saw in our class discussion this topic became very race orientated because when it comes down to it the topic has alot to do with race and will always come down to race.i really enjoyed hearing both sides of the argument and the ball helped.:)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

illegal immigrants in prisons

The u.s likes to make claims of how illegal immigrants commit a lot of crime and make statements that federal and state prisons are mainly made up of illegal immigrants. the truth is that less than 1/3 of inmates are non citizens. in the last few years the non citizen inmate rate has decreased to less than 20% in federal and 6%in state. i think that illegal immigrants are just the escape goat . i don't think that ,a small percentage of illegal immigrants that come over should give a reputation for all the others. If the u.s doesn't want to spend money for illegal immigrants in prison why don't they deport them saving money. i think that people believe anything they are told and unaware of the statistics.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

immigration laws Due to the much controversy about immigration there are many laws for immigration that are in affect.For example we have quotas,The immigration quotas established that around three-hundred and fifty thousand immigrants would be permitted access to the United States.we have also had many acts in the us constitution due to immigration.we have the thirteen fifteen Chinese exclusion act of 1882 and the immigration acts of 1891, 1893, 1903,1907 and the immigration acts of 1917, and 1918. All of these   act make it harder for immigrants to come over and start a new life. I think the government should create a document that allows immigrant workers to prove there way to citizenship.                                                              

bla :/

i can be so naive sometimes.Don't i ever learn? I always tell myself i made a mistake but i seem to always forgive and do it again.I should have learned by now i guess maybe this time it can be for real.Hopefully i stay strong this time after all i am better than all the stuff he puts me through.After all i do need to focus on school maybe this would help get me focused so i can graduate.Wish me luck.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

immigration and drug wars

immigration is a very controversial topic and now with the Arizona law SB1070 and other racial profiling laws and the drug wars going on in Mexico it makes the topic even harder to address. Mexican investigators have found a total of 116 bodies in pits near the U.S. border, 28 more bodies were found last week. many people have confessed to the killing of these people but there are still many who deny having any connections to the murders.With all the drug wars going on in Mexico it makes people in the united states to fear immigration from out southern border. 


prom was pretty darn amazing if i do say so . i am really glad i attended i would have regreted it later.. i danced all night and got to hang out with my friends and michael . i took lots of pictures that i hope to put on soon. i was happy with the way i looked and i got my nails done for the first time.after prom i went to colleens for a little then i went to dennys. i was so hungry after prom and boy was i tiered.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

project presentation

Man do i hate being in front of the class.I dont have a problem talking to people i just get freaked out when all eyes are on me i start to fidget. Education is a good topic to learn about i learned alot and it made me more aware of what is going on at schools. I believe that there are many changes that could be made to reform the education system. Overall this was a fun project. i wish my other project wouldnt have gotten destroyed this one was a let down but it was still a good experiance .:)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Budget cuts causing prisons to release prisoners

Do to the economis state we are in many states nation wide have cut down their prison populationsby setting up parole programs and early releases.know many states are haveing to face many convicted felons in the streets. state officials now find themselves trying to maneuver between saving money and maintaining the public’s sense of safety.More than 1,700 prisoners released over three months, more than 50 were soon accused of new violations.I understand that many states are in an economic crisis but should the price be endangering the civillians of that state or provance.Many of the prisoners realeased are of any type of crime from misameaners to felonies such as sex affenders and murders. i believe that those are the people that should have to endure there full sentence but instead due to their good behavior for a short period of time they are released i find that absalutly crazy.many of these fellons that were relesed faced little to no time at all .


oh no! how ironic is it that we are talking about education in many of my classes and yet i have seemed to ignore the concept of my own education. this is the worst its been i have gotten all my electronic divices all guests and outdoor activities revoked until graduation. i have no one to blame but myself i have gotten distracted with other things and have no focused on my education. i am making a promise to myself that i will rais every grade by a letter grade or two. i use to be very involved in school and i use to be excellent in all my classes but lately i have not been motivated to try.i dont know exactly why that is i dont know if it is because there is no actual incentive or reward i recieve or if its just becuase i got lazy? maybie its a little of both maybie the lack of motivation has not ecouraged me to try my absalute best.But, as of 3/8/2011 i am going to try my best and do all my work.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

How do college students spend there time ?

Studies show the older you get the harder you work.The American Time Use Survey (ATUS), the report finds 24-year olds spend and average of 3.6 hours per day during school months going to class and doing homework, compared with just 2.8 hours per day for 18-year old students.According to th ATUS the majority of college students spend most there time sleeping on an average 9 hours a day . followed by an average of 3.9 for class and homework and an average of 3.9 for leisure.ATUS results also show that on an average college students spend about an hour on eating a day and0.8 hours on grooming and baithing.Acoording to the ATUS results race and ethnicity plays a role .on average asians spend the most time doing class work and educational activities followed by hispanic,whites and then blacks.i find it crazy that the majority of a day could be wasted on sleep .i am a very active person and can run on 6 hours of sleep perfectly fine i feel as if my day is gone if i sleep any longer.But i also understand that there life is based more on school than an average student attending high school .

Monday, February 28, 2011

Budget cuts in texas

I find it insane how states are having to cut back even more on education funding.
Both houses of the Legislature submitted proposals calling for dramatic cuts in education funding. For example, the Arlington school district expects to lose about $35 million in state funds.Districts statewide face the same crisis.Education is very important it is the key to our future. because of the budget cuts many jobs wiill be lost and Class sizes at all levels will increase dramatically, because of all  the jobs cuts.if teachers and staff members loose there jobs it will only make the class ratios unvbalanced the classes are going to become overcrowded. dont agree with the budget cutts.

Read more: more:

Friday, February 11, 2011

<a href=""
          title="Wordle: state of the union"><img
          alt="Wordle: state of the union"
          style="padding:4px;border:1px solid #ddd"></a>

Future:   the children are our future and we have to set and leave a good example for the future generations to come so we can grow and prosper.
Working together:  these words to me were important because it mentioned that in order to accomplish anything we need to work together to better our future.
Beliefs: we have to fight for our beliefs as a nation to become more successful
Hopes: we all have dreams to accomplish something we have to have hope that we can and will accomplish them to better our nation to have a better and brighter future
American family: we are all united and one we have to make decisions that will benefit us as a whole to get anything done
Progress: I chose this word because showing and making progress in my opinion is very important the nation needs to show and grow better not determinate
Jobs: president Obama talked about how people need to do a good job in their jobs the quality of the job being done is very important for our nation
Build: we need to out built the rest of the world we need to grow and better our economy
Educate: education is the key to success we need to better educate ourselves and the younger generations because they are our future. Most good paying jobs reliy on more education than just a high school diploma.
Reform: we have to reform our government in order for the United States to prosper
Innovation: we need to spark our imagination and create new ideas with innovation we can change our lives with innovation we make our living.
Clean energy: president Obama wants to make a change in the type of energy we use he wants to save money and help save our planet by using solar energy
Community: the whole community needs to be involved to better the United States of America we need to work as a group
Competition: as a nation we need to have competition we need to have an incentive or motive to grow and prosper.
Cooperation: we need everyone to try their best we need the republicans and democratic to work together so we can accomplish all our goals.
Dreams: we need to follow our dreams because dreams are a form of inspiration and motivation
Change: it is time for the United States to make a change in order to move forward.
Opportunities: we need to take every opportunity we can to make the United States a better place and we need to creat more opportunities for people to grow and become more successful
College: United States has the best colleges in the United States but we have moved down in the amount of people that have a college degree we need to better that and focuses and emphasize education.
Leadership: everyone needs to show leadership skills and motivate everyone to work more effectively to become greater.
Health care: obamas plan is to establish a better health care system and trying to universalize health care
Democrats: democrats need to set aside there rederick and join together
Republicans: republicans and democrats need to work together as one
Children: children are our future and we need to make sure that they have everything we need to have a successful country
TEACHERS: help to educate our children which are out future

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

im a horrible driver :)

we went to chucky cheese to celebrate my little (but taller ) brothers award .chucky cheese is a place where everyone to be a kid again :)


I cant believe that someone just a block away from my house would get hit by a train.She sounded like a bright girl who had alot going for her.incidents like this are very sadning to me to know that someone as young as she was lost her life and never even got to live . She seemed to have lots of good friends and close friends it makes you wonder what she could have been thinking.

Strikes in Egypt

On Wednesday thousands of workers all across Egypt went on strike causing more tension. There is a lot of public uprisings and rage towards President Hosni Mubarak.  Protesters also gathered at parliament, the Cabinet and the Health Ministry buildings, all a few blocks from the square, and blocked Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq from his office. The protesters come from different ranges of work fields not one specific group. Workers "were motivated to strike when they heard about how many billions the Mubarak family was worth," said Kamal Abbas, a labor leader. "They said: 'How much longer should we be silent?'". Many protesters are demanding that the president step down but there are some who disagree Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit said in an interview with "PBS News Hour" that there would be chaos if Mubarak stepped down immediately. He warned that if the opposition tried to compose an unconstitutional government, "then maybe the armed forces would feel compelled to intervene in a more drastic manner. Do we want the armed forces to assume the responsibility of stabilizing the nation thru imposing martial law, and army in the streets?” The strikes are just causing more tension in Egypt.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Me and my brother love this commercial.Every time my little brother watches this he cracks up and his laugh is contagious it makes me laugh the first time we watched this was right after he had just gotten scared by a spider so it made the commercial even more funny for us.

Islamic Center 'Ground Zero Mosque' Controversy Heats Up

The mosque controversy near ground zero has become a very heated topic. There are many people who believe that ground zero is sacred land that nothing should be built in that area. There are others who are just against building a mosque there because they believe that is an insult to the families that have lost loved ones do to 9/11 .although the rare a lot of people who oppose it there is also a group of people who believe this would show the religious tolerance and who are in favor of it. As an example president Obama said” Muslims have the right to build a place of worship and a community center on private property in Lower Manhattan," but on Saturday said that he would not comment on the "wisdom of making the decision to put a mosque there."I believe that the mosque should be built but in a different area. I don’t have a problem with any religion and the practice of any religion but I also think that ground zero is hallow ground and shouldn’t be built on. I don’t think it is an appropriate location for the mosque to be built in

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


        I enjoyed the class discussion on health care it is a very important topic that should be addressed more frequently. I was able to hear everyone’s opinions about the health care bill and got to see how everyone reacted to it. I am not much of a public speaker I was afraid to interrupt people but I agreed with a lot of people they had some very interesting points. I agreed that health care should be a right not a privilege I believe that everyone should be granted with health care no matter what age, gender, race, or if they have pre existing conditions. I also believe that the unemployed should have health care I think everyone should be able to be covered. If everyone was covered by health care I think that more people would be healthy because they would be able to have more frequent visits to doctors. This is the first time I have ever paid attention to healthcare but because of all the discussions we have been having about this issue has really made me interested in finding out more information think overall the class discussion went well and I was able to gain and learn more from it.

Thursday, January 6, 2011


       La Sierra has experienced a budget cut that has taken away many of the clubs and activities.With the budget cuts a few members of the staff were laid-off consisting of teachers,and custodial workers.Because of the budget cuts classrooms are now over crowded and there are not enough textbooks to go around.The impacted classes and shortage of textbooks are making it harder for some of the teachers to give more individual attention to his/her students.Another thing that was taken away was student busing.Now that the busing is gone it makes it more difficult for some students to make it to school on time.