Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Budget cuts causing prisons to release prisoners

Do to the economis state we are in many states nation wide have cut down their prison populationsby setting up parole programs and early releases.know many states are haveing to face many convicted felons in the streets. state officials now find themselves trying to maneuver between saving money and maintaining the public’s sense of safety.More than 1,700 prisoners released over three months, more than 50 were soon accused of new violations.I understand that many states are in an economic crisis but should the price be endangering the civillians of that state or provance.Many of the prisoners realeased are of any type of crime from misameaners to felonies such as sex affenders and murders. i believe that those are the people that should have to endure there full sentence but instead due to their good behavior for a short period of time they are released i find that absalutly crazy.many of these fellons that were relesed faced little to no time at all .       http://www.nytimes.com/2010/03/05/us/05parole.html

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