Tuesday, March 8, 2011


oh no! how ironic is it that we are talking about education in many of my classes and yet i have seemed to ignore the concept of my own education. this is the worst its been i have gotten all my electronic divices all guests and outdoor activities revoked until graduation. i have no one to blame but myself i have gotten distracted with other things and have no focused on my education. i am making a promise to myself that i will rais every grade by a letter grade or two. i use to be very involved in school and i use to be excellent in all my classes but lately i have not been motivated to try.i dont know exactly why that is i dont know if it is because there is no actual incentive or reward i recieve or if its just becuase i got lazy? maybie its a little of both maybie the lack of motivation has not ecouraged me to try my absalute best.But, as of 3/8/2011 i am going to try my best and do all my work.

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