Thursday, March 24, 2011

project presentation

Man do i hate being in front of the class.I dont have a problem talking to people i just get freaked out when all eyes are on me i start to fidget. Education is a good topic to learn about i learned alot and it made me more aware of what is going on at schools. I believe that there are many changes that could be made to reform the education system. Overall this was a fun project. i wish my other project wouldnt have gotten destroyed this one was a let down but it was still a good experiance .:)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Budget cuts causing prisons to release prisoners

Do to the economis state we are in many states nation wide have cut down their prison populationsby setting up parole programs and early releases.know many states are haveing to face many convicted felons in the streets. state officials now find themselves trying to maneuver between saving money and maintaining the public’s sense of safety.More than 1,700 prisoners released over three months, more than 50 were soon accused of new violations.I understand that many states are in an economic crisis but should the price be endangering the civillians of that state or provance.Many of the prisoners realeased are of any type of crime from misameaners to felonies such as sex affenders and murders. i believe that those are the people that should have to endure there full sentence but instead due to their good behavior for a short period of time they are released i find that absalutly crazy.many of these fellons that were relesed faced little to no time at all .


oh no! how ironic is it that we are talking about education in many of my classes and yet i have seemed to ignore the concept of my own education. this is the worst its been i have gotten all my electronic divices all guests and outdoor activities revoked until graduation. i have no one to blame but myself i have gotten distracted with other things and have no focused on my education. i am making a promise to myself that i will rais every grade by a letter grade or two. i use to be very involved in school and i use to be excellent in all my classes but lately i have not been motivated to try.i dont know exactly why that is i dont know if it is because there is no actual incentive or reward i recieve or if its just becuase i got lazy? maybie its a little of both maybie the lack of motivation has not ecouraged me to try my absalute best.But, as of 3/8/2011 i am going to try my best and do all my work.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

How do college students spend there time ?

Studies show the older you get the harder you work.The American Time Use Survey (ATUS), the report finds 24-year olds spend and average of 3.6 hours per day during school months going to class and doing homework, compared with just 2.8 hours per day for 18-year old students.According to th ATUS the majority of college students spend most there time sleeping on an average 9 hours a day . followed by an average of 3.9 for class and homework and an average of 3.9 for leisure.ATUS results also show that on an average college students spend about an hour on eating a day and0.8 hours on grooming and baithing.Acoording to the ATUS results race and ethnicity plays a role .on average asians spend the most time doing class work and educational activities followed by hispanic,whites and then blacks.i find it crazy that the majority of a day could be wasted on sleep .i am a very active person and can run on 6 hours of sleep perfectly fine i feel as if my day is gone if i sleep any longer.But i also understand that there life is based more on school than an average student attending high school .